Entries by Inga


Įmonė “Rolands Moisejs” kviečia į susitikimą parodoje “Tech Industry 2023” Rygoje!
Laukiame jūsų 2 salėje esančiame A-1 stende ir laukiame produktyvių diskusijų!

EuroBLECH 2022

After a four-year break, EuroBLECH is returning to the industry stage – it’s great that
we can meet in person again. There is a lot to discover: New machines, systems and
services as well as exhibits and topics for sheet metal and tube processing, from
small to Xtreme large.

TRUMPF invites to Ditzingen: INTECH 2022

From gradual entry to fully automated production: a profitable portfolio ranging from small to large solutions awaits you at INTECH.
As we can welcome you in person again this year, we want to offer you something special.