Įmonė "Rolands Moisejs" kviečia į susitikimą parodoje "Tech Industry 2023" Rygoje! Laukiame jūsų 2 salėje esančiame A-1 stende ir laukiame produktyvių diskusijų!

EuroBLECH 2022

After a four-year break, EuroBLECH is returning to the industry stage - it's great that we can meet in person again. There is a lot to discover: New machines, systems and services as well as exhibits and topics for sheet metal and tube processing, from small to Xtreme large.

TRUMPF invites to Ditzingen: INTECH 2022

From gradual entry to fully automated production: a profitable portfolio ranging from small to large solutions awaits you at INTECH. As we can welcome you in person again this year, we want to offer you something special.

Blechexpo 2021

The practical trade fair duo of Blechexpo and Schweisstec takes place on a two-year cycle in the state trade fair centre in Stuttgart (Landesmesse Stuttgart) and is the only event in the world that deals with the complementary technologies of sheet metal processing and joining technology.

EMO 2021

Companies Rolands Moisejs partners are pleased to invite you to the next edition of EMO, 4 - 9 October 2021, at Fiera Milano Rho.

EuroBLECH Digital Innovation Series: Focus on Forming Technology

EuroBLECH Digital will start on 27.04., providing an essential marketplace and business platform for the international sheet metal working industry. The first event, focussed on forming technologies, will take place from 27 - 28 April 2021 and will offer you the opportunity to discover new products and machines as well as the latest developments and innovations of our exhibitors!

Gerbiami klientai, partneriai ir kolegos!

Informuojame, kad mūsų biurai vėl dirba įprastu darbo laiku ir apimtimi, visos paslaugos teikiamos be apribojimų!

Pakeitimai kasdieniame darbe

Klientus informuojame, kad koronaviruso pandemijos metu dirbame, tačiau, atsižvelgiant į situaciją, yra padaryta pakeitimų. Informuojame, kad nors yra kasdienio darbo proceso pasikeitimų, paslaugos teikiamos greitai ir kokybiškai!

Thank you for visiting Tech Industry 2019!

We would like to thank all our visitors and partners for a great fair Tech Industry 2019 in Riga! We are very excited about the large number of visitors to our booth. It was a fine opportunity to present our products and services.

Paroda Wire 2018 Diuseldorfe!

Parodoje turėsite galimybę aplankyti mūsų atstovaujamų gamintojų stendus – WAFIOS, SCHNELL ir IDEAL.